Of love and lust in a couple
Bucharest – 4th of June 2016
Are we mature enough, from a psychological and relationship point of view, to cultivate our erotic intelligence? – This is the question that Pagina de Psihologie and Otilia Mantelers would like you to answer in 2016.
#UmbreleIntimității #InteligențaErotică
Message from Esther
Esther is famous for being one of the most original and profound voices of the world when it comes to life as a couple and the shadows of intimacy. She’s a world known psychologist and therapist and in the past ten years she’s been acknowledged as an expert in modern relationships. She’s fluent in nine languages which gives her the advantage of being a multicultural thinker, she’s one of the top therapists of New York and her TED speeches have gone around the world in a very short time.
Esther is the author of bestselling book “Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence!” translated in 25+ languages including Romanian, at Curtea Veche Publishing House.
Her peers see her as being bold and visionary and having the power to completely transform the perspective on the word „sex”.
During the conference she will hold in Bucharest, on June 4th 2016, Esther Perel will share with the audience ideas about how to maintain sexual desire and the success of the relationship in a busy and technology-filled world.
We love the The Shadows of Intimacy metaphor and we used it to name Esther Perel’s conference in Romania. It refers to the fact that sexuality is the common ground of a couple, where both partners meet with all the love and passion they have for each other. In the same time, they also bring together the emotional legacy of the family life they had as children with their own parents, a legacy that influences their sex life and intimacy. We can metaphorically conclude that there are 6 people in the bedroom: the 2 partners and their respective parents.
Workshop #1
Erotic intelligence: from captivity to adventure
Duration: 3 hours, between 10 and 13 a.m.
How come partners that love each other don’t enjoy quality sex anymore? Can someone wish for something they already have? Why is it that the forbidden fruit is so appealing? All of these question are being asked by people who are part of the sexual revolution generation, a generation of partners who can do whatever they want, but don’t feel like it anymore or don’t want to do it together.
There’s a strong tendency in long term relationships to encourage the predictable and rule out the unpredictable, although erotic behavior is by itself unpredictable. Desire clashes with routine and repetition. It’s essential to feel physically and emotionally safe when you want to obtain pleasure and a healthy bond but if you completely rule out uncertainty, there will be no craving, no anticipation and no thrill.
So, what would be the final conclusion? It’s possible to reconcile passion and intimacy or erotic behavior with domestic behavior only if we bring together two categories of fundamental needs of the human being: the need for connection and a safe relationship with the need for adventure, exploring and novelty. “Love” and “Lust” can be tightly connected or forever conflicted. Therefore, Esther Perel, the creator of the erotic intelligence, will teach us how to balance the two essential ingredients of intimacy.
The workshop is addressed to: couples, single people or people looking for a partner, health specialists for the mind and relationships, medical professionals, personal development trainers, journalists and bloggers.
Workshop #2
Parents really do have sex: it’s easy to forget that we were lovers before we became parents.
Duration: 3 hours, between 14.30 – 17.30
Going from two to three is a great challenge for a couple. The birth of a child is a psychological revolution that changes our relationship entirely, our sense of self and identity, our relations with our partners, our friends, our parents and our in-laws. Our bodies change and so does our income and career. Although most partners talk about how happy they are as a growing family and about how fulfilled they feel on a personal level, they tend to agree that these changes affect their intimacy.
But why does the erotic bond with our partner get to be so degraded? Does it really matter if the dishes weren’t done or is there something more behind our mysterious desire to give up sex? Maybe it’s something specific in our modern culture that consolidates the erotic silence of mothers and fathers. Or maybe erotic behavior in the context of family life is just too hard to adopt by anyone.
During this workshop, dedicated to parents and parents-to-be, Esther Perel aspires to set the grounds for an honest, clear and provocative talk about intimacy, while leaving the doors open to combined erotic and family life, and daring to stress that sex is important.
The workshop is addressed to: couples, single people or people looking for a partner, health specialists for the mind and relationships, medical professionals, personal development trainers, journalists and bloggers.
Price per workshop/person | Price for both workshops/person | Price for both workshops for couples |
25th of April – 3rd of June : 180 RON On the day of the workshop, 4th of June : 200 RON |
25th of April – 3rd of June : 350 RON On the day of the workshop, 4th of June : 400 RON |
25th of April – 3rd of June : 600 RON On the day of the workshop, 4th of June : 650 RON |
No more tickets | No more tickets | No more tickets |